I call it the 90/10 rule. My goal for my company, myself and my clients is that their time is best spent doing that 10% of life that actually matters. And the other 90% that they’re doing that doesn’t matter… I follow the A.D.D. principle. You’re either automating it, you’re delegating it, or you’re just flat out deleting it. So I come in and I figure out ways to automate and delegate, and I let the client decide if they’re going to delete something.
Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Savage Marketer
You’re listing to the Establishing your Empire show, a podcast that inspires entrepreneurs, creatives, and future business owners to pursue their passions, grow their organizations and build their empire. My name is Daran Herrman and creatively I’m best known for my photography, but business wise my claim to fame is growing a company from 15K per month in online sales to breaking the $1 million a month barrier. And I’m sitting down with interesting people to talk about the process, the lessons they’ve learned and how they have Established their Empires.
Alright, I got Jeff J. Hunter, the Savage Marketer here on the podcast here with me. Thanks so much for joining us. Really appreciate you jumping on the podcast. Why don’t we start with just, why don’t you give us a background of, you know, who you are and what you do?
It all probably starts back to where I was before my Savage marketing life which was, I’ve always kind of been in the corporate world. The you know, worked up the corporate ladder, I guess you could say, I worked at a computer store then worked as an it administrator for a school district. And then I got recruited to be an it project manager for a fortune 500 company. I did that for four years up in Portland, Oregon. That was really fun. But then I kind of figured out this whole virtual team building thing, which was really exciting and fun. And so what I did at Phillips, which was the company that I worked at, but there were just so many different possibilities that I discovered about just building virtual teams. And now that’s kinda my passion. My passion is building virtual teams. And then of course, once I got good at building virtual teams, I said, Holy crap, what can I do with all these virtual teams?
Okay. Can I build an engine to do what I want to do? Right.
Yeah. So then I use the team to do marketing because I, I found out that, like, that was super easy thing to do is to actually leverage your team, to do what most people can’t, which is, you know, be present all the time.
That’d be really excited about this conversation. So Goboto, the marketing firm that I own, is 100% freelancers. So, so, and I hire everybody from local people here to people in India, Indonesia, India, Pakistan, all over the place. And I love the time difference that that gives me get somebody waking up when you’re going to sleep. Right. You know, you get a 24 hour cycle or probably even more than that. So why don’t we, why don’t we, why don’t we start with, cause some people might not know what a virtual team like w like a whole lot about that. So maybe give us a little background of maybe your definition of it or how you see it, or why, why it’s important to you at anywhere you want to go with it. Yeah.
I mean, a virtual team is literally that at the team that, that works for you virtually remotely, and it’s become a very interesting catchphrase lately since the cold COVID-19 crisis, because businesses that pretty much didn’t have any digital presence and were functioning a hundred percent. In-Person obviously just got delivered a huge blow. I mean, unless you were a Costco and you had a flood of people like zombies coming in to buy toilet paper, your business probably suffered. So it’s, so interestingly enough, I mean, when all this stuff happened, I actually had a huge influx in business because people came to me and said, Hey, Jeff you know, I know that you are obviously great at building virtual teams. How the heck do I do that for my business? And even digital marketer.com had approached me and said, Hey, you know what, a lot of art business owners that do do marketing would love to learn this. So it’s kind of given me a little bit of an opportunity to develop myself as like a thought leader, I guess you could say. So
How would somebody like, okay, let’s just say you’re a small company or whatever. How would you get started hiring your first team or person or wherever? What would, how would you get them going?
There’s lots of, there’s a lot of different places to hire virtual teams nowadays. Like there’s Upwork and Fiverr and you know, a lot of freelance websites like free up and some other things like that. You know, for me personally though you know, I haven’t had a whole lot of luck with the freelancers. And I think it stems with something that I’ve actually called and labeled freelancer rightness. And I’m sure, you know what I’m talking about when I say this,
I have an idea where you’re going,
But it usually stems from, you know, people, once they, you know, a lot of people, they get sold this dream. Cause now there’s this dream on Instagram, there’s a million Instagram influencers, right. And those Instagram influencers, what do they do? They start their Instagram accounts. And they basically get famous by traveling the world and telling people how they worked for themselves and their freelancer, you know, copywriter or a graphic designer or whatever the heck they are, or even virtual assistant. And I mean, so being a freelancer kind of has its own stigma of being free. Yeah. Right. And you can work
For the beach. Right.
The problem that, that generates my man is that a lot of times that also is an absence of accountability completely or
Knowing how to work without a structure. So a lot of, a lot of people come from a corporate world and they’re like, you know what, I’m pretty good at this. Or I’ve done this before. I can do it on my own. Well, it gets really hard when you don’t have somebody breathing down your neck right next to you. Some people really good at it. Some people are not
You’re absolutely right. And that’s that’s that, that right there is, that’s where the cookie crumbles, you know, because at the end of the day, you and I, we both have agencies and probably the people listening here have agencies and they want to serve their clients in the best of their abilities. Right. Reliably and consistently, and with good quality. And when you have to rely on a freelancer who maybe is just going project to project, and isn’t dedicated to you that turns into a challenge.
So how do you F how do you find the good people? Then
I recruit them.
I figured there had to be something that was kind of a layup, the softball cost there for you,
That’s it. I literally, I literally recruit them. And and that’s, that’s one of the things that’s really important that I, that I, I truly believe into is that you have to have you have to find people that already kind of do the job or something similar in a vertical of what you want them to do. And that, that really helps out in, well, a number of ways. But like, for example, if I’m going to hire someone to be a virtual assistant for me, for example, then if somebody is in the call center industry, see it’s already in customer sales and support, it’s easier for me to train someone customer service from a BPO industry than to train a random, you know, person off the street, how to do customer support and VVA. So I’m actually go, and by the way, the one thing that I’m looking for that you can’t train is someone who’s reliable, consistent and has good work ethic. And the only people that have those, my friends are people that already have jobs,
Right? The trifecta
People that, and I’m sorry to cut you off, but this is, this is a key factor that I want everyone to think about. Most of the time when people are looking for a job, there’s a reason why they don’t have a job.
I assume that to be true. And a lot of freelancers to be, to be fair are a freelancer because they’re in between jobs and then they need to make money. Right. So, and there’s could be a reason why
There’s a lot nowadays, a COVID a lot of people just woke up one day and found out that their job wasn’t quote unquote essential. Right.
So when did you start like this whole, so it sounds like a whole kind of different arm of what you do or, or how you do it. Like, because from what I’ve learned about you online is a lot more of the, you know, the marketing side, the social media side. So with virtual teams exists because of COVID being kind of front and center, or is this something that you’ve been doing for a long period of time or
I’ve been, you know, in the corporate world? I mean, I built virtual teams and as a project manager, I was basically leading virtual teams working from my home. And by the way, that’s another discussion for another day. But, you know, I think finally the home-based worker, the remote worker finally has a place at the table at corporations.
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